Get a jump start on your native plant collection this season. This coming
Saturday, April 16, heralds the first of the native plant sales this
spring. There will be all sorts of wild flowers (e.g., Virginia
bluebells, May apples, trillium, etc), other spring and summer bloomers,
along with ground covers, ferns and shrubs. Most plantings have been
propogated on site.
In addition, there will be heirloom tomato plants and other edibles for
sale to assist in your resolve to eat local.
Plant advice is free, fee per plant as marked. Payment can be made by
cash or check (sorry, no credit cards). All proceeds go toward funding
Nature Center activities and programs.
Long Branch Nature Center
625 S. Carlin Springs Road
Arlington, VA 22204
Saturday, April 16,
1PM -3PM
Rain date Sunday, April 17, same time
Call 703-228-6535 for more information
Obama Urges Refinance
If you owe under $729k you probably qualify for Obama's Refi Programs[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]