Thursday, March 25, 2010
2010 General Assembly Briefing
Virginia Hospital Center Healthy Aging Lecture Series Spring/Summer 2010
Virginia Hospital Center Healthy Aging Lecture Series Spring/Summer 2010
The free lectures are held at 601 S. Carlin Springs Road, Arlington, VA.
Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm. Please call 703.558.6859 to RSVP.
April 23 - “Making Your Home Livable” Laurie Crum, RN, MSN
Learn how to make your home adapt to you by reducing the home hazards and implementing senior-friendly design layouts.
May 28 - “Help with Heartburn” Kevin Gillian, M.D.
Heartburn, indigestion and GERD – are they all the same thing? How does indigestion affect the body? What can be done to reduce or eliminate it? Learn about acid reflux disease and the treatment options available.
June 18 - “Shoe Savvy” Adrian & Chris Farley, Owners of Pacers - Arlington
Do you know about shoe health? Can the wrong shoe hurt my body? Learn about the importance of shopping for the right footwear and how shoes are made for different activities.
July 23 - “Vision Health & Services” Jocelyn Hunter & Veronica Hamilton, MSW
Learn about the changes we face with our vision as we age and the services available to the community.
August 20 - “Hearing Loss Options” Marla Dougherty & Leslie Lerner, Au.D.
Understand the changes we face with hearing loss and aging. What are the tests and options available that assist us with maintaining our ability to hear?
Lifeline Personal Alert System provided by Virginia Hospital Center
VHC Senior Health staff locally manage the personal emergency response system.
Help is available 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Monthly cost is $42.00.
Call 703.558.6859 for more information.
Free Mall Walking Program for Seniors
Tues. & Thurs. 8:00am-9:00am at Ballston Common Mall.
Call 703.558.6859 for more information.
Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month between 10:30am-11:30am at Carlin Springs. Call 703.558.6859 for more information.