I urge you to visit the following Arlington County website to get informed on matters that could soon affect Arlington View:
If you are short on time, in particular you should review pages 1.4, 3.4-5, 3.16, and 4.19-21 of the Draft Neighborhoods Plan on that page.
A possible decision by the County on these matters could be taken as early as July (see further below).
If you are interested in follow-up information, please reply to this email and I will put you on a list for further information.
A little background:
Columbia Pike Form Based Code (FBC) was adopted in 2003. It is a redevelopment tool intended to implement the first revitalization plan for Columbia Pike (
Columbia Pike Initiative Plan) that set careful and clear controls on building form to shape good public space. The FBC only applies to the commercial centers on the Pike. The Land Use and Housing Study is looking at the residential areas. If it helps meet the stated community goals,
a tool similar to the FBC may be adopted at the end of the Study for the residential areas" (emphasis added).
The hi-lited part of the above County description of the Land Use and Housing Study is what is being considered at this time. It would for example, allow more intensive development of some properties in the Arlington View neighborhood.
The purpose of this email is not to express a view on the possibility of a change to the land-use in our neighborhood (pro or con), but rather to ensure that the Arlington View Community is informed, and has the opportunity to participate and provide appropriate input to a process that could materially affect our community.
Best regards, and looking forward to your participation.
Recent communication from the County
We thank you, community members, for taking the time to submit comments and request changes to the April 6, 2012 Draft Columbia Pike Neighborhoods Plan.
I am writing to let you know that we are extending the study period by one month. As outlined below, this is so that staff and the study Working Group can have more time to review and incorporate the feedback we have received into a revised draft. We are updating our schedule and this additional time will result with a request for advertisement of the revised plan in June 2012 with final consideration and adoption at the Board meeting in July 2012.
Currently, we are:
· Still receiving comments/concerns from the community.
· Working with the Columbia Pike Working Group to discuss the comments and revise the Plan documents.
· Continuing to brief advisory commissions and obtain their input.
The additional study time will allow us to fully consider the comments we have received and to develop stronger, more clear and robust recommendations for some critical elements that, we hope, will reach the Plan's goals and objectives. This schedule and the associated new milestone dates are posted on the study website.
We appreciate your patience and we thank you for being part of this process.
View the Draft Columbia Pike Neighborhoods Plan here:
Jennifer Smith
Principal Planner, Columbia Pike Initiative Coordinator
Planning Division
2100 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 700
Arlington, VA 22201
703 228-3525 (Main) | 703 228-0068 (Direct)
All correspondence sent to and from Arlington County Government is
subject to the public record laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.